The Governor, Aged 11 years. Born: Baltimore, May 1995; Died: New York City, April 2006.
For those of you that knew The Guvner, you know she was OBSESSED with water and loved to hang out at the edge of the shower or bath. No cameras were ever allowed in such private settings as she was very discreet. Accordingly, some other photos are below. Enjoy.
From Top:
1. Chillin'
2. Travellin Kitty
3. Yoghurt Anyone?
4. Upper East Side Governess--Though she was born and raised in Bawlmer, The Guv had no problem integrating herself into the glitterati culture of the Upper East Side.
5. Lets get this straight--The Governor drank Coors, I did not.
6. What's on TV?
7. Frolicking with Sis
8. Stately Guv
9. Don't Mess with the Guvner