Tomb of Jesus--Did he die on the cross?

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A Research Documentary on Jesus Surviving crucifixion and migrating to Kashmir with sub-titles in Urdu.

Founder of Ahmadiyah movement in Islam (Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani "A.S") said 100 years earlier that Allah (God) has told him that Jesus had died a natural death. Thus he did not ascended bodily to heavens as believed both by Muslims and Christians.

Crucifixion takes a week to kill a healthy man, unless the legs are broken (which was not the case with Jesus according to the Bible). Yet the Bible says Jesus was only on the cross for a few hours before being declared dead. As reported in the Bible, Pontius Pilate (who we can assume knew a great deal about crucifixion) expressed great surprise that Jesus expired so quickly, but was restrained from further investigation by his wife.

Numerous ancient sources repeat the story of Jesus and his followers faking his quick death to get him off the cross while still alive. Even the new testament contains the recipe for "Wounds of Christ Ointment" (Aloe and Myrrh) suggesting that the post-crucifixing Jesus was not an ascended spirit, but a badly wounded man trying to get the heck out of Dodge.