Hyperthymesia – A Newly Discovered Memory In Which People Remember Every Day Of Their Lives
Wall Street protest spreading worldwide ... Major unions and United Airline pilots join in Wall Street protests ... Police brutality turns public in favor of protesters.
Bisexual Fruit Flies Show New Role For Neurochemical
"When we mutate the protein, we get less ambient extracellular glutamate, more glutamate receptors, and so a stronger transfer of messages at synapses," Featherstone said.
The gene mutation also made the flies bisexual, leading him to name the gene "genderblind."
"The mutants are completely bisexual, but fertile. It's the first gene that really specifically affects homosexual behavior without affecting heterosexual behavior," he said."
APOD: 2011 September 28 - Violent Sunspot Group AR 1302 Unleashes a Flare
Two-dimensional learning: Viewing computer images causes long-term changes in nerve cell connections
Computer and TV compete with learning in school
"School teachers, particularly at the junior school level have become increasingly concerned at their observations that each generation of school children exhibits shorter attention spans and poorer retention abilities than the previous generation," states Manahan-Vaughan. "One explanation for this is the ever increasing use of the digital media by school children. Our results indeed show that mammals can learn equally well when they passively view information on a computer screen compared to actively exploring the environment for this information. Television or computer games after school may compete with the information learned in school."
I love this last part:
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Americans Express Historic Negativity Toward U.S. Government
- 82% of Americans disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.
- 69% say they have little or no confidence in the legislative branch of government, an all-time high and up from 63% in 2010.
- 57% have little or no confidence in the federal government to solve domestic problems, exceeding the previous high of 53% recorded in 2010 and well exceeding the 43% who have little or no confidence in the government to solve international problems.
- 53% have little or no confidence in the men and women who seek or hold elected office.
- Americans believe, on average, that the federal government wastes 51 cents of every tax dollar, similar to a year ago, but up significantly from 46 cents a decade ago and from an average 43 cents three decades ago.
- 49% of Americans believe the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens. In 2003, less than a third (30%) believed this.
Man escapes prison with homemade nunchucks | The Raw Story
Top Democratic Strategist: Obama Will Lose the Election Unless He Prosecutes Wall Street Fraud and Fires His Crony Capitalist Advisers
Carville’s advice: “Fire. Indict. Fight.”
Obama must fire someone – “No – fire a lot of people” — because the current team is just not working, Carville wrote.
“This may be news to you but this is not going well,” he wrote. “For precedent, see Russian Army 64th division at Stalingrad. There were enough deaths at Stalingrad to make the entire tea party collectively orgasm.”
Following the precedent of Bill Clinton, who fired many people in 1994, Ronald Reagan, who fired most of his campaign staff in 1980, and George W. Bush, who showed Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld the door, would give Americans a sense that Obama is actually trying to do something to fix the economy, Carville added.
“It’s not going to work with the same team, the same strategy, and the same excuses,” he wrote.
His next piece of advice is to indict people and hold them responsible for the country’s current economic state. If Attorney General Eric Holder can’t offer good explanations as to the state of these investigations, “fire him too.”
“Demand answers to why no one has been indicted,” he wrote. “Mr. President, people are livid. Tell people that you, too, are angry and sickened by the irresponsible actions on Wall Street that caused so much suffering. Do not accept excuses. Demand action now.”
Nobel Laureate Resigns From Society Because Of Its Global Warming Fear-Mongering | CNSnews.com
“Thank you for your letter inquiring about my membership. I did not renew it because I cannot live with the (APS) statement below (on global warming): APS: 'The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now.'
Giaever announced his resignation from APS was due to the group's belief in man-made global warming fears. Giaever explained in his email to APS:
"In the APS it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible? The claim (how can you measure the average temperature of the whole earth for a whole year?) is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degree Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this ‘warming’ period.’"
5 most shocking Census facts about growing poverty in the U.S.
As Clyburn pointed out at the hearing, the poverty rate rose for the third consecutive year, to 15.1 percent. The 46.2 million Americans living in poverty is the highest amount since the Census began recording the statistic 52 years ago."
'via Blog this'